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June Health & Safety Tip: Combating Complacency in the Workplace

By Colliers Engineering & Design

Are You at Risk for Complacency?

Complacency in the workplace can lead to serious consequences. Unengaged workers are particularly at risk. It’s important to identify whether you or your colleagues are experiencing complacency. Reflect on the following questions:

  • Do you feel a lack of interest or motivation for your daily tasks?
  • Does your role involve repeating the same actions or steps?
  • Are you more focused on finishing tasks quickly rather than doing them properly?
  • Do you often skip steps to save time on projects?
  • Do you feel unrecognized for the work you do?
  • Are factors like a long commute or short rest periods affecting your job performance?
  • Do you ignore hazards when they arise?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your company’s goals or future plans?

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards addressing complacency. Here are some tips to re-engage with your work:

  1. Plan Your Day: Begin each shift by thinking through your tasks and creating a plan for the day.
  2. Report Hazards: Notify your safety professional about any hazards to improve working conditions for yourself and your colleagues.
  3. Engage in Meetings: Make suggestions or ask questions during team meetings to get involved.
  4. Try New Tasks: Speak to your supervisor about taking on new tasks.
  5. Adjust Your Schedule: Discuss with your supervisor how you can modify your schedule to ensure more rest at home.
  6. Seek Development Opportunities: Look for chances to learn new skills and develop professionally.
  7. Utilize Employee Assistance: Talk to your Human Resources representative about any issues outside of work and learn about your available employee assistance benefits.
  8. Help Colleagues: Offer assistance to your co-workers without waiting to be asked.

If you find yourself becoming complacent, remember that there are always options for improvement. Engage with your team, speak up, and ask for help when needed. An engaged and proactive approach leads to a safer and more productive workplace.

Together, we can overcome complacency and foster a healthier, more engaged work environment.

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