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Land Use Planning

Colliers Engineering & Design’s Planning Professionals provide expert land use planning services for private sector clients and have extensive experience with a variety of projects, from small to large-scale, residential to commercial development, and rural to urban design.

Our professionals are experienced in providing expert planning testimony before municipal planning and zoning boards for the purpose of obtaining subdivision and site plan approvals or variance relief, including Use Variances. Our planners are thoroughly versed in the requirements of State Land Use Law, which enables them to prepare and present convincing testimony to support the grant of variances or requests for rezoning. Our planners have also represented private sector clients in Builder Remedy lawsuits and in eminent domain litigation.


  • Affordable Housing (COAH)
  • Age Restricted Housing
  • Community/Fiscal Impact Analysis
  • Conceptual Plans
  • Eminent Domain Litigation
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • GIS Mapping & Analysis
  • Highlands Regulations & Permits 
  • Land Planning & Design
  • Litigation Testimony
  • Redevelopment Area Studies & Plans
  • Rezoning Applications
  • Use Variance Testimony

Let's talk about your next project.

Our multidisciplinary approach to design, combined with a deep understanding of the industry and passion for innovation, has positioned us as leaders consistently delivering outstanding results in shaping the built environment.



