NJ Municipalities Gather for 102nd Annual Conference

It’s Just Not Fall in New Jersey Until the Mayors Come to Town!

Meet Maser Consulting L to R: Richard M. Maser, Chairman/CEO with Kelsey Howard (Grants & Funding), Allison DePalma (Business Development); Maurice Rached (Traffic/Transportation) and James Priolo (Municipal).
As an engineering firm with a large municipal clientele, the annual New Jersey State League of Municipalities (NJSLOM) conference always seems to herald-in the fall season. What’s intriguing is that all 565 municipalities in the state are League members! Meeting and greeting representatives of municipalities from around the state with similar problems and potential solutions creates the best venue in which to compares notes, reflects on the past year’s activities and plan for the upcoming ones. What better place to find an opportunity or collective wealth of knowledge!
After 102 years, the NJSLOM mission remains the same:
“The New Jersey State League of Municipalities is a voluntary association created to help communities do a better job of self-government through pooling information resources and brain power. It is authorized by State Statute and since, 1915, has been serving local officials throughout the Garden State.”
Thank you NJSLOM for your ongoing support! And thank you to all the municipalities for giving us the privilege to work alongside you in improving your communities every day!
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