Liberty State Park Wharf Gets a Face Lift!

We’re half way through the summer and warm days mean more time for fun outdoors! As an engineering firm, we’re constantly working behind the scenes to make sure everyone, including our own families, enjoy their recreational time! Now is as great a time as any to take an iconic ferry ride to Ellis and Liberty Islands!
Between the early 1800s and mid-1950s, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal (CRRNJ), had has seen the egress of over 15 million immigrants. While the CRRNJ no longer transports commuters, the historic Liberty State Park ferry continues to transport thousands of people annually to and from this historic trilogy.
After a combination of time and damages from Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the wharf and piers are in need of help to sustain the active ferry tours between Liberty and Ellis Islands.
Maser Consulting is working for NJ Department of Treasury and the NJDEP to restore the ferry slips for the Park tours and also as an emergency egress point between New York and New Jersey. Because the Park played a significant role as a major evacuation route from Manhattan to New Jersey during the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster, the project received a grant from Homeland Security with other funding reinforced by the Port Authority of NY & NJ.
The project consists of preliminary engineering work including underwater inspections of the existing structures, piers and bulkheading, piles and pilecaps. Also planned are topographic laser surveys and geotechnical investigations utilizing a drill rig barge. Our design services will include dredging design and permitting, design of new arched transfer bridges, gangways, ferry landing barges, fender racks and steel pile-supported concrete platforms. All site elements will be designed in a historical context including fencing, pavers and lighting.
You’ll be happy to know that this construction won’t affect your ride! The Statue Cruises ferry service runs to Liberty and Ellis Islands 364 days/year. Originating from both Manhattan’s Battery Park and Liberty State Park on the Jersey side, the cruise is a great way to spend the day with friends or family! Liberty State Park also has bike paths, fields and walkways (part of the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway) and don’t forget to visit the Liberty Science Center!
For more information on the Statue of Liberty tours visit
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