Fourth of July 2018

Fourth of July Fireworks
July 4th, 1776: After suffering through the heat of Philadelphia in the summer, 56 men from different worlds, with different beliefs, came together and signed a document that would change the world forever.
Every year, Americans from every walk of life take some time to do what our founding fathers hoped we’d be able to: assemble, use free speech, and pursue happiness.
If you’re not sure how you want to celebrate, consider taking a trip to one of the events we’ve found near some of our offices!
Albany’s got fireworks, yes, but also car shows, parades, and live music!
Albuquerque’s parade, 4-mile Road Race, and live music festival look pretty cool.
Atlanta’s events look awesome with festivals, fireworks, and more!
Charlotte has a lot to look forward to: races, festivals, and baseball, oh my!
Columbia will be having a lakefront firework show, parades, and children’s activities.
Jacksonville has a wide array of things to do!
New Jersey has exciting things to do in all parts of the state!
Philadelphia offers some awesome historical and cultural events in addition to fireworks and barbeques.
Virginia’s events range from fireworks and the Great American picnic to a planetarium show and musical performances.
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