Market: Federal/State Agency Region: New York

Throgs Neck Bridge Deck Rehabilitation & Replacement

New York City, Bronx County, NY

Provided services for the inspection and abatement planning of asbestos, lead-based paint, and hazardous materials – including Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and universal wastes – under contract TN-49. Investigations were conducted at deck level, beneath the deck, within the anchorages and electrical substations, at the base of the two towers, and at the river level, where potential disturbance or regulated materials was anticipated by the engineering design team.

Work was coordinated with a multi-disciplined consultant team and with contractors working at deck level and beneath the decking. Strict health and safety procedures were employed, particularly for work conducted beneath decking, where fall protection was employed. Services provided included asbestos surveys of the affected areas at deck, beneath deck, anchorages, and tower bases; surveys for lead and other heavy metals in paint and dusts; PCBs evaluations of caulking materials; and preparation of abatement plans, specifications, and cost estimates.


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