Market: Local Government Region: Texas

Shavano Park Street Maintenance Phase 1

Shavano Park, Texas

Colliers Engineering & Design analyzed four different maintenance alternatives for the City’s proposed Street Maintenance Program. Alternatives include full reconstruction, full-depth reclamation of the existing base, a 2-inch mill and overlay, and crack seal. We are also preparing a prioritized list of projects based on the pavement condition index, traffic load, emergency access, cost, and overall benefit to the community. Streets were designed to match the existing width, and construction documents were provided at 30, 60, and 90 percent increments to obtain City and stakeholder input. Additionally, we provided utility conflict coordination organized with a matrix of alternatives. The streets were designed to match existing widths and elevations to the maximum extent possible to minimize construction costs and TCEQ permitting requirements. We presented the options to Planning and Zoning as well as City Council explaining the pros and cons of each option. The direction from City Council was to perform full street reconstruction, adding ribbon curbs to maximize the street life for approximately 30,000 linear feet of the street. The project advertised for bids in February 2023 and is expected to complete construction in the fall of 2024.

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  • Civil/Site
  • Geotechnical
  • Municipal Services
  • Survey/Geospatial