Market: Highways & Roads Region: New Jersey

Route 130 & Voelbel Road Intersection Improvements

Robbinsville Township, Mercer County, NJ

Provided transportation design services for improvements to U.S. Route 130, Voelbel Road, and North Main Street in connection with multiple proposed developments. Improvements included intersection improvements, median modifications, a new deceleration lane, a new jughandle, roadway widening, and realignment of North Main Street. A new traffic signal was constructed at the intersection to accommodate the new traffic patterns and geometry, as well as pedestrian accessibility. A Transportation Improvement Plan was developed, outlining potential development opportunities that would require these future developments to pay back the initial infrastructure investment.

Tasks included traffic analysis, traffic signal design, striping and signing design, intersection lighting design, curb ramp design, stormwater management, utility relocation schemes and agreement plans, railroad crossings, maintenance and protection of traffic plans, and parcel maps for ROW acquisitions.  Permitting requirements included NJDEP wetlands and stormwater compliance and Soil Conservation District certification. In addition, a memorial commemorating the site of the U.S. Army Parachute Training Facility was relocated, and an interpretive plaque was designed and installed.


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  • Environmental Services
  • Land Survey
  • Transportation/Traffic