Market: County Government Federal/State Agency Local Government Region: New York

ROC the Riverway

Rochester, NY

ROC the Riverway focuses on the central core of the Genesee River, bringing to life a portion of the recently completed Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP).

The lifeline of Rochester continues to be the Genesee River. Once the home of thriving industries, today it serves as the foundation of natural beauty, recreation, access, and opportunity. Connecting residents and visitors to this irreplaceable resource will allow the city to leverage existing assets, building the Rochester of the future.

Bergmann worked with the City of Rochester in the development of the ROC the Riverway Plan. ROC the Riverway focuses on the central core of the Genesee River, bringing to life a portion of the recently completed Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP). The plan seeks to fund and implement the vision cultivated over years of planning and community engagement.

This plan resulted in the City of Rochester receiving $50 Million from New York State for the first phase of implementation.

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