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Market: Civic Facilities Local Government Region: New York

Irondequoit Department of Public Works Operations Center

Irondequoit, NY

Architectural and engineering design services for a new Department of Public Works facility in the Town of Irondequoit, New York.

In the wake of a destructive fire on Christmas Eve in 2016, the Town of Irondequoit selected our team members to provide architectural and engineering design services to rebuild its Department of Public Works (DPW) facility. The new facility is located on a 12-acre parcel and includes DPW/Highway Administration offices, crew facilities for DPW and highway personnel, conference room, plan room, storage, lunch/break room and emergency operation center. The facility also includes a highway garage, sign shop and pump shop, as well as a vehicle maintenance facility.

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  • Architectural Design
  • Building Engineering
  • Buildings
  • Buildings-Structural
  • Civil/Site
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Plumbing & Fire