Market: Local Government Recreation Region: New Jersey

Oakwood Park Athletic Field Improvements

Borough of New Providence, Union County, NJ

Oakwood Park is one of the largest parklands in New Providence and is a prominent venue for the community to gather and enjoy recreational sports. But residents had become accustomed to rain causing the natural grass fields to become unusable for extended periods of time. This, coupled with high utilization, had taken a significant toll on the park grounds. New Providence and its Recreation Capital Review Committee developed a plan to not only address the stormwater issues, but also to increase the ways in which community members could utilize the site.

Colliers Engineering & Design provided the planning, site design, and engineering services for the construction of approximately 200,000 SF of synthetic turf, including one Babe Ruth-sized baseball field, one little league/softball field, and two soccer fields. The synthetic turf is a cost-effective solution that lessens erosion and enables players to utilize the infield regardless of weather. The design also included the expansion of two existing parking lots; a pathway network connecting both parking lots to the athletic facilities; lighting and drainage; and the associated utilities. We also devised innovative uses for the site’s detention basin, which is now used for fishing derbies and as an ice skating and hockey rink. A subdivision was required in order to separate the parkland from the adjacent Public Works Complex. Permits were required for soil erosion and sediment control, as well as coordination with NJDEP Green Acres regarding project funding. Daily construction inspection services were also provided.

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  • Construction Engineering & Inspection
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Recreational/Sports Services
  • Stormwater Management