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Market: Bridges Federal/State Agency Region: Michigan

MDOT-I-69 I-475 Interchange Brdg Rd DADC

Lansing, MI

Not originally planned with the Interstate Highway System, today I-69 is critical to our country’s transportation network. The I-69/I-475 Interchange serves several major economic generators and the I-69 International Trade Corridor coalition promotes it as a commercial gateway and multi-modal transportation hub. The interchange provides direct access to Flint and its construction supported locally sourced construction jobs. Crumbling conditions, traffic backups, and safety concerns demanded improvements to keep pace with economic growth.

MDOT and our team developed strategies based on inspections/evaluations of bridge and roadway systems which minimized community and environmental impacts and upgraded the corridor to meet current and future travel demands.

Awards Received

  • American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Michigan Eminent Conceptor Award
  • MDOT/ACEC Partnership Charter Award
  • The Women in Transportation Innovative Project of the Year Award in 2023.
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  • Bridge Engineering
  • Infrastructure