Market: Federal/State Agency Water Waterfront Region: Tennessee

Chickamauga Lock Replacement

Chattanooga, TN

Our firm led a multifaceted project for an innovative lock replacement on the Tennessee River near Chattanooga. We began with feasibility studies for “In-the-Wet” alternatives for a new 110′ x 600′ lock, developing and evaluating four innovative designs against conventional construction methods. This phase included cost comparisons, constructability assessments, and risk evaluations, culminating in a comprehensive feasibility report.

We then provided pre-construction planning services, optimizing construction sequences and site layouts. This involved assessing work areas, site logistics, and developing alternatives for staging and existing lock decommissioning, using P3 software for sequencing visualization.

The project progressed to a 30% concept design for innovative cofferdam and lock wall options, addressing potential difficulties with the landward arm of a conventional cofferdam. Our final design featured large prefabricated concrete box segments placed over pre-installed drilled shaft foundations. We conducted stability evaluations and coordinated with key stakeholders, including USACE and TVA.

For the integral lock landwall, we designed detailed monoliths connecting to the segmental cofferdam, using finite element analysis to assess construction-related stresses. We prepared final plans in Microstation V8, specifications in SpecsIntact, and cost estimates using MCACES MII.

Our involvement extended to two years of Engineering During Construction (EDC) services, overseeing the fabrication and installation of precast box segments for the landside cofferdam. We concluded by reviewing the secant pile wall at specific monoliths and updating the Design Documentation Report to reflect revised foundation conditions.

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  • Construction Management
  • Dam Engineering