Rick Chelotti, PE, Elected President to Michigan American Council of Engineering Companies

Lansing, MI – Colliers Engineering & Design, a leading multi-discipline engineering and architecture, consulting and design firm, is pleased to announce that Rick Chelotti, PE, Senior Principal and Infrastructure Division Director has been elected to serve as President of the Michigan Chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC/Michigan).
“Rick has been a champion of improving infrastructure across the state of Michigan and shown himself as a key leader within Colliers Engineering & Design,” said Joseph A. Dopico, PE, Chief Operating Officer at Colliers Engineering & Design. “I am confident in his leadership and look forward to seeing him impact the infrastructure profession for future generations.”
Prior to becoming President, Mr. Chelotti has served on the ACEC/Michigan’s Board of Directors for seven years. On Thursday, May 9, he was inducted as president at the 2024 Michigan Infrastructure Conference.
Mr. Chelotti has over 24 years of industry experience devoted to complex multi-disciplinary transportation projects, including management of several Alternative Contracting projects. He has been involved in many facets of transportation engineering including freeway, interchange and urban roadway reconstruction and rehabilitation, bridge reconstruction and rehabilitation, railroad facilities and grade separation projects, and construction inspection.
Contact Rick Chelotti about your next project.