Market: Local Government Region: New Jersey

HMGP Mobile Emergency Generator

Borough of New Providence, Union County, NJ

The Borough of New Providence received a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in the amount of $100,000 for the purchase and installation of a mobile emergency generator for the shared dispatch center at the municipal complex. Colliers Engineering & Design provided the professional engineering services associated with the project, inclusive of preparation of bid documents, attendance at meetings, coordination with the generator vendor, bid services and the administration of the HMGP process for the project funding.

The scope of work included the installation of one (1) 290 kW mobile emergency generator powered by diesel fuel for the shared dispatch center at the municipal complex. The generator was mounted to a trailer. We coordinated with the generator vendor to finalize the specific requirements for the generator to be included as part of the bid package. During the bid review period, our staff responded to questions from prospective bidders and issued clarifications and/or addenda, when required.  We also reviewed bids, prepared a recommendation for award of the contract, and prepared the required documentation for the HMGP at the required milestones throughout the project to ensure the funding reimbursement to the Borough.

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  • Grants & Funding
  • Municipal Services