Market: Bridges Highways & Roads Transportation Region: Michigan

US-127 Reconstruction from I-96 to I-496

Lansing, MI

Our team is creating construction documents for three project phases to improve traffic flow along a critical 3.6-mile stretch of I-496 and US-127, extending from I-96 to the I-496/US-127/Trowbridge Road interchange. The project explores innovative congestion management strategies like Part-Time Shoulder Use (PTSU), dynamic lane use, variable speed limits, ramp metering, and permanent lanes—all aimed at optimizing traffic.

The scope also includes rehabilitating US-127 north to Clark Road, spanning an additional 6.8 miles, and addressing seven major interchanges for reconstruction or upgrades. Our team is designing improvements for 35 bridges, ranging from full replacements to preventive maintenance.

This comprehensive effort involves stakeholder engagement, ITS reconstruction, a drainage study, ROW plans, and a Safety Study. Key elements include innovative Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) solutions, a Traffic Management Plan (TMP), utility coordination, municipal utility design, and environmental permitting, ensuring seamless and impactful infrastructure upgrades.

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  • Highway Design
  • Stormwater Management
  • Transportation/Traffic