Market: Federal/State Agency Highways & Roads Region: Florida

SR 7 Urban Reconstruction

Miami-Dade County, FL

SR 7/US-441/NW 7th Avenue is one of South Florida’s major North-South corridors serving as an I-95 relief, emergency vehicle route to Jackson Memorial Hospital, and a highly congested commercial area. The SR 7 Urban Reconstruction consisted of three improvement projects along SR 7/US-441/NW 7th Avenue between NW 8th Street and NW 78th Street, grouped into a North Project and a South Project. The projects totaled 4.5 miles of roadway reconstruction including signalization, lighting, utility adjustments, drainage, resurfacing, landscaping, and the installation of a new water main and gravity sewer line under a JPA with the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD).

The North Project included resurfacing SR 7 from NW 36th Street to NW 79th Street, ADA and drainage improvements, and the removal of an existing 8” concrete pavement from the roadway. The South Project consisted of the complete reconstruction of 2.1 miles of roadway within the City of Miami’s urban epicenter. With SR 7 (US-441) / NW 7th Avenue often being used to relieve congestion on I-95, project completion was accelerated prior to I-395 reconstruction. Successfully conquered obstacles included the replacement of 70-year old water and sewer lines, drainage conflicts, and management of pedestrian traffic all while businesses along the corridor remained accessible and operational.

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