Market: Higher Education Utilities Region: New Jersey

Ramapo College of New Jersey SUE Services

Mahwah Township, Bergen County, NJ

Colliers Engineering & Design is currently under contract with Ramapo College of New Jersey to provide Subsurface Utility Engineering Quality Level B (SUE QL-B) services across the entire 300-acre campus. The purpose of this project is to compile all existing underground utility information/mapping, determine deficiencies and inaccuracies, confirm and/or revise locations of underground lines, and add utilities that are not currently mapped to the overall campus utility plan.

Work is being conducted in sections across the campus and includes designating and marking the horizontal location of all existing underground utilities using industry standard pipe and cable locators and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). By using multiple technologies, we are able to provide a more complete overall product. Following this step, our surveyors georeference the results of the utility designating and the location of all surface appurtenances relating to underground utilities. The linework generated as part of this is added to the overall AutoCAD file. The utility mapping generated as part of this project will allow Ramapo College to more efficiently design and plan future campus improvements.

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  • Land Survey
  • Subsurface Utility Engineering