Market: Federal/State Agency Region: New York

Lawrence Farms Orchards Soil Remediation

City of Newburgh, Orange County, NY

Colliers Engineering & Design provided professional environmental services for soil remediation at the 1.2-acre Lawrence Farms Orchards, which had been characterized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) as an unauthorized construction and demolition debris landfill. An environmental investigation previously conducted at the farm in 2017 determined that soils from the areas of Test Pits TP-1 and TP-4 were contaminated with compounds that exceeded the NYSDEC soil clean-up levels.

Our environmental engineers developed a Remedial Action Plan for review and approval by NYSDEC. The plan describes the sequence of actions to be taken to remove, stockpile, and properly dispose of the impacted materials. The plan also includes a Sampling & Analysis Plan describing the measures for the collection and analysis of post-excavation soil samples. Once the plans were approved by NYSDEC, our professionals directed and supervised the excavation of impacted soils within the test pit areas, as well as the backfill of the pits with clean material.

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  • Environmental Services