Market: Warehouse & Distribution Region: New Jersey

Kuser Warehouse

Hamilton Township, Mercer County, NJ

Colliers Engineering & Design provided professional engineering services, including design and construction, for the Kuser Warehouse in Hamilton, NJ. The improvements included construction of a 339,500 S.F. warehouse with parking and loading areas, a sanitary sewer pump station, and stormwater management basins in the rear of the lot. The project provides 213 car parking spaces and 66 trailer parking spaces.

Colliers Engineering & Design designed the site to preserve natural wooded areas and maintain a buffer from Interstate I-95. The Stormwater Management BMPs onsite include two wet ponds, porous concrete and disconnected impervious surfaces.


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  • Civil/Site
  • Geotechnical
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Natural Resources
  • Transportation/Traffic
  • Water/Wastewater