Market: Bridges County Government Local Government Region: New Jersey

Kaighn Avenue Tidal Dam Emergency Repairs

Pennsauken Township, NJ

The Kaighn Ave Tidal Dam was built in the early 1940s. Colliers Engineering & Design was called in when the West Tide Gate was not operating properly. After our inspection we found the 70,000 pound tide gate to be in danger of failing and declared it in need of emergency repairs. We removed and rebuilt the 45 foot wide by 15 foot tall Gate, replacing the steel skin plates, axles, wheels, and reinforcing the gate structure where necessary. The internal mechanisms that the tide gate rides on were also in dire condition. We repaired and strengthened these systems to ensure the dam is safe and reliable for years to come.

We provided dam engineering services; dam inspection report; topographic survey; bathymetric survey; regulatory permitting; and Construction Inspection and support services.

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  • Construction Engineering & Inspection
  • Dam Engineering
  • Land Survey
  • Structural Engineering