Market: County Government Region: New Jersey

Hunterdon County Open Space Plan

Hunterdon County, NJ

Colliers Engineering & Design provided public outreach and facilitated visioning sessions to assist Hunterdon County with its strategic plan to identify the ultimate parkland acreage goal of the County Park System. We also identified the costs and a realistic date by which this amount of parkland could be achieved. Our professionals reviewed current and future development needs and locations with respect to County Park facilities and determined where upgrades and improvements to current and future facilities should take place.

The plan presents a comprehensive view of open space at all government and non-profit group levels and seeks to create open space linkages/trails connecting all open space parcels within the County system. With this plan, the County can showcase a unifying vision of open space and recreation to guide future decisions and identify how that vision corresponds and coordinates with the County’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.

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