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Market: Local Government Recreation Region: New Jersey

Hackensack Reservoir Recreational Improvements

NJSME 2015 Project of the Year Award for Municipal Parks/Recreation

Provided geotechnical engineering, land survey services, and landscape architecture services for improvements at the existing Hackensack Reservoir No. 2, located in Weehawken, New Jersey. Weehawken and Union City purchased the property from United Water, which had stopped using the reservoir in 1996 after the state mandated that all water reservoirs be covered. The 14.4 acre space was transformed into a passive park with a trail encircling it, providing a safe, centralized location for residents to enjoy their recreational time.

The reservoir improvements included installation of an underground storage tank; partial fill of the reservoir; removal of accumulated sediment from the remaining portion of the reservoir; and changing the use of the water body to that of recreation. Our design team incorporated a half-mile stone dust trail, complete with benches and trash receptacles. Stone dust was chosen as it has little to no environmental impact while still providing ADA accessibility. Our professionals also refurbished and reused the existing fence and incorporated new fencing of the same design to provide a cohesive look. An additional fence was erected around the perimeter of the reservoir’s body of water to increase user safety by preventing entry into the water. To further this safety initiative, life preservers, ropes, and ladders were attached to fences throughout the park in case of emergencies. A new stone ramp introduced ADA accessibility to ensure everyone in these communities can enjoy this new peaceful environment.

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  • Environmental Services
  • Geotechnical
  • Land Survey
  • Landscape Architecture