Market: Local Government Region: Texas

Cibolo Creek & Kitty Hawk Emergency Roadway

Universal City, Texas

Colliers Engineering & Design is providing civil engineering and surveying services for the Universal City Public Works’ Kitty Hawk Emergency Roadway Extension project. We prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report providing several alternative alignments to extend the current terminus of Kitty Hawk within a residential subdivision, crossing Cibolo Creek and tying into FM 1518. The report included horizontal and vertical alignments, an opinion of probable costs, a hydraulic analysis, and a summary of impacts for each alignment. Crossing Cibolo Creek proved challenging due to an approximate 100′ elevation drop from the current road elevation to the flowline of the creek, and then a very short distance from the creek to FM 1518. We provided several alternative alignments that included an all-weather crossing and several low-water crossings due to funding limitations. We provided a recommendation for the proposed low water crossing. This alternative meets the project goals by keeping the project within budget and providing emergency access during frequent storm events. Currently, we are managing the detailed design of the selected alternative and bidding for construction.

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  • Environmental Services
  • Geotechnical
  • Municipal Services