Market: Telecommunications Region: Pennsylvania

Bala Plaza Unmanned Telecommunications Facility

Bala Cynwyd, Montgomery County, PA

This project included the addition of an unmanned telecommunications facility for a major wireless carrier on the rooftop and penthouse of an existing building. The telecommunications facility consists of 16 new panel antennas and the placement of one new equipment shelter. The scope of work included the design and analysis of the steel support frame, Radio Frequency (RF) transparent concealment walls, and RF transparent penthouse extension.

A steel frame supports the equipment shelter and 12 of the panel antennas, which are concealed by custom 10’ high walls constructed of fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) and steel members. The steel support frame was mounted over the existing building load bearing columns. These columns were analyzed to ensure they had the structural capacity to support the additional loading. The wall panels were constructed to match the existing building façade so that it resembled a penthouse instead of a cell site. The penthouse wall extension was designed to support and conceal the other four antennas. This extension was constructed from FRP and steel members and is anchored to the existing penthouse.


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