Market: Federal/State Agency Region: New Jersey

Atlantic & Pacific Avenues One-Way Conversion

Atlantic City, Atlantic County, NJ

Colliers Engineering & Design was the lead on a multi-consultant design team tasked with the preliminary design for the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Avenue traffic signal upgrades and one-way conversion project. Based on conclusions identified in the Atlantic City Regional Transportation Implementation Plan (ACRTP), the feasibility of turning Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Avenue into a one-way couple to improve traffic flow throughout the city was investigated. In addition, a context-sensitive design was developed, geared towards improving conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit vehicles.

Several conceptual design alternatives, including elements such as a contraflow bus lane, a dedicated bicycle lane, and back-in angled parking, were developed to address several of the design constraints. A large-scale data collection effort was undertaken to support the various iterations of traffic modeling utilizing Synchro/SimTraffic software, which was necessary to optimize the two corridors under the various alternatives. Preliminary traffic signal and electrical plans were also developed for the 94 intersections within the project and the Concept of Operations Report and ITS Device Layout Plan (including CCTV, fiber optics, VMS, transit signal priority system, and more) were developed to support the proposed ITS improvements.


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