Spotlight On: Kevin Haney, President & CEO

Colliers Engineering & Design has doubled revenue during the last two years, said President & CEO Kevin Haney. By being in North Jersey and close to New York City, the outlook for the company also could not be better, he told Invest:. The two main challenges are the workforce shortage and the red tape at the government level to get things approved and moving forward.
What have been the highlights and successes for Colliers Engineering & Design over the past 24 months?
The key highlight has been the stellar growth that we’ve been able to accomplish as part of Colliers International. We doubled revenue through acquisitions as a company in less than 24 months and increased our revenue by about 25% organically in addition to that. The growth has been amazing.
How has the demand for your services changed in the last two years?
As the world progresses, there’s been a significant focus on renewable energy. There is also a big push for infrastructure, roads, bridges and so on that has continued to keep a significant influx of new work for us. The brick-and-mortar retail space and office space work is status quo. The newest trend that’s happening most recently is the impact on single-family homes as a result of interest rates and inflation rising. That is having an impact on segments of our business. But what makes us so successful is how diverse we are, not only in what we do but also where we are working. We’re doing business in hot markets like Texas, Colorado, the Carolinas and Florida. So, an impact to a portion of our work in one area or market is usually compensated by other areas of our business.
How have the supply chain issues affected your operations?
The supply chain is not affecting us internally in terms of…