Allen St. Reconstruction Earns APWA Project of the Year Award

Colliers Engineering & Design Was Prime Consultant on $11M Project
Colliers Engineering & Design, a national multi-discipline engineering and architecture, design, and consulting firm, is proud to announce that the Allen Street Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Corridor Reconstruction has been named the 2023 Project of the Year by the New York State Chapter of the American Public Works Association.
The City of Buffalo Department of Public Works, as the project’s managing agency, will receive the statewide honor on March 21 at the APWA New York State Chapter’s Annual Conference in Syracuse, closely following regional recognition in February from the organization’s Western New York Branch. Colliers Engineering & Design completed design and construction inspection, and Destro & Brothers Concrete Company was the prime contractor.
This multi-phase, $11 million project implemented long-needed roadway, sidewalk, and utility upgrades for the historic Allentown neighborhood while exemplifying the principles of Complete Streets design — placing safety and mobility enhancements for pedestrians and bicyclists as a top priority. The project resulted in a distinctive streetscape celebrating Allentown’s unique identity while providing flexible parking for events. It also contributed to the establishment of a shared-use path at Allen Street’s eastern end that connects Allentown with the growing Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
This complex project benefited from a true partnership among the City of Buffalo DPW and participating consultants and contractors. Together they engaged with residents, community organizations, businesses, and property owners to obtain input and keep them apprised of project developments. A technical and logistical challenge included the design, construction, and replacement of all underground utilities within the tight urban confines of Allen Street while maintaining pedestrian, homeowner, and business access throughout construction; accommodating signature events like the Allentown Art Festival and the Pride Parade; and adapting the schedule accordingly for a project of this size and significance.
“The Allen Street reconstruction project provided a critical infrastructure upgrade to a key historic corridor and vibrant entertainment district in the City of Buffalo,” said Nolan Skipper, PE, Deputy Commissioner, Engineering Division for the City’s DPW. “This was a true team effort from start to finish. Allentown now has an updated streetscape that incorporates new underground infrastructure with a flexible design to accommodate different uses during the varying seasons in Buffalo. The City would like to specifically thank everyone who contributed to securing these funds for such a vibrant corridor in our City.”
“Congratulations to the City of Buffalo on this well-deserved honor,” said Courtney Bentley, PE, Project Engineer in Colliers Engineering & Design’s Buffalo office. “It was clear through the whole process that the City of Buffalo was committed not only to upgrading Allen Street’s aging infrastructure, but to doing what’s best for the Allentown community. We’re proud to have supported the City in this effort to refresh the Allen Street corridor while respecting the proud history, culture, and character of the neighborhood.”
The majority of design, community engagement, and construction inspection activity was completed by affiliate Bergmann, which joined Colliers Engineering & Design in 2021.