Region: Texas

Goodwin Lane, Conrads Lane and Bridge Improvements

New Braunfels, TX

Colliers Engineering & Design (CED) provided civil engineering and surveying services for the reconstruction of 10,500 ft. of Goodwin Lane. CED reconstructed FM 306 to just past Conrads Lane as a minor collector street section with a 90 ft. right-of-way. CED redesigned approximately 3,400 ft. of Conrads Lane (from Goodwin to IH-35) as a major collector, including a 90 ft. ROW. Both streets will vary from three to four lanes, plus auxiliary lanes at intersections and major driveways.

Goodwin Lane was closed on a regular basis due to flooding at an on-grade crossing at Alligator Creek. CED designed a proposed bridge to convey the 100-year storm under Goodwin Lane to provide all-weather access to the nearby elementary school, Oak Creek Elementary,  and adjacent subdivisions. CED implemented bike lanes and sidewalks to provide improved mobility. CED also designed culvert crossings for two additional low water crossings (LWC) to provide all-weather crossings.

CED prepared a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) application for submittal to FEMA for the proposed improvements within the floodplain, and managed a subconsultant to conduct environmental assessments to confirm the improvements meet environmental regulations. CED prepared detailed construction documents for the streetscape, storm drain, culvert crossings, and bridge. After identifying potential conflicts, CED managed subconsultants to design utilities, including water and sanitary sewer.

CED assisted the City of New Braunfels in bidding the project for construction and provided construction administration services during construction. Post-construction, CED prepared a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) application and processed it through FEMA to update the Flood Insurance Rate Maps to reflect the improvements.

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  • Environmental Services
  • Stormwater Management