Market: Housing Region: Texas

Shavano Park Master Drainage Plan

San Antonio, TX

Shavano Park, Texas is a community of approximately 3,400 residents located in north Bexar County.

Currently, Colliers Engineering & Design (CED) reviews all plats and building permits for compliance with City regulations. CED was also responsible for the citywide Master Drainage Plan in which they identified 12 areas of concern where existing flooding is common. CED analyzed the existing conditions in XPStorm with a 2-dimensional analysis. CED modeled each area of concern individually to maintain efficient model run times.

After identifying the existing issues, CED prepared conceptual future projects to alleviate the flooding and prepared Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for each area. We then recommended a prioritized capital projects list and assisted the City in identifying funding for the projects. CED also developed a custom GIS Service to display the results of the analysis and identify future projects. City staff used this GIS Service to present the results to their residents and to gather their input. CED used this input in the ranking score to establish the project priority list.

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  • Civil/Site
  • GIS
  • Stormwater Management