Market: Warehouse & Distribution Region: New Jersey

South Washington Park

Piscataway Township, Middlesex County, NJ

Provided civil/site engineering and environmental remediation services for South Washington Park, two warehouse distribution buildings totaling 538,000 SF in Piscataway Township. In order to meet stormwater regulations, two stormwater management basins were designed for the site, and low-impact development techniques were also incorporated.

The project included the acquisition of a Green Acres Major Diversion of Parkland for the purposes of constructing a stormwater outfall. Additionally, the project was designed in coordination with the Middlesex County roadway widening of South Washington Avenue, including the joint use of two additional stormwater management basins. Wetland General Permits and Flood Hazard Area Control Individual Permits were obtained for the project. The project also included a new 3,000 LF water main extension and the relocation of 14” high pressure petroleum pipeline.


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  • Civil/Site
  • Environmental Services
  • Geotechnical
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Natural Resources
  • Traffic Signals, Safety & ITS
  • Water/Wastewater