Market: Bridges Region: New York

Bronx Whitestone Bridge Remediation Services

New York City, Bronx County, NY

Conducted asbestos and hazardous materials investigations and directed lead investigations of the approach ramp and associated structures at the Bronx Whitestone Bridge under contract BW-89C; designed abatement and remedial actions; and prepared plans and specifications. Under the earlier BW-89 contract, our professionals also conducted similar work at the Bronx bridge approach and evaluated the impacts from historic fill and historic leaks from underground storage tanks. We designed tank removal and remediation at the Bronx ramp enclosure and investigated a salt dome for asbestos and lead.

The services provided at the bridge involved asbestos surveys of the approach ramps and end-ramp enclosures and a salt dome; surveys for lead and other heavy metals in paint and dusts; Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) evaluations at electrical transformers; coordination with ConEdison regarding transformer contamination; evaluation of historic fill materials for possible disposal; and preparation of abatement plans and specifications, as well as detailed abatement cost estimates. Work also included reviewing contractor progress and commenting on work and implementation plans during the construction phase.



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