Market: Bridges County Government Region: Florida

Rickenbacker Causeway Fishing Pier Inspection

Key Biscayne, FL

Colliers Engineering & Design provided professional services required for the interim inspection of the Rickenbacker Causeway Fishing Pier’s top deck and superstructure, including the utilization of a Harcon pontoon lift barge to access the pier’s overwater areas. The Rickenbacker Causeway Fishing Pier is approximately 1,500 ft. long and located to the south of the Rickenbacker Causeway Bridge, which connects the City of Miami to the barrier islands of Virginia Key and Key Biscayne across Biscayne Bay. A total of 29 spans and 30 bents were inspected following NBIS guidelines under this Equitable Distribution Program (EDP) contract. In addition to the inspection, an executive summary of the structure, location map, general findings, repair priority, structural ratings, inspection specifications being used, repair recommendations, general inventory photos, and photos of all deficiencies were also provided.

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  • Bridge Inspection