Market: Bridges County Government Federal/State Agency Region: Florida

MDX Bridge Painting & Structural Repairs

Miami-Dade County, FL

Colliers Engineering & Design (CED) provided rehabilitation and maintenance painting to 16 bridge structures (spread across the SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR 836/Dolphin Expressway, and SR 874/Don Shula Expressway), in addition to nine high-mast lighting structures. These structures consisted of a wide variety of steel bridge types that required varied degrees of repairs from minor steel repairs to heat straightening. To add to the complexity of this project, each bridge was coated with paint containing hazardous constituents; requiring negative-air pressurized containment and handling of lead-containing paint waste. Each of the bridge structures were located on a major highway with crossovers of heavily traveled surface streets (e.g. NW 42nd Street/Le Jeune Road). Due to the significant impact to the traveling public, job-specific MOT plans had to be prepared and approved for each site including impact to active railroad lines and surface waters. Furthermore, due to limited right-of-way, many of the bridge locations did not allow for adequate staging areas to store equipment and generated waste. CED worked closely with MDX and the contractor to ensure detailed logistical work plans were in place to comply with local, State, and Federal guidelines regarding transportation of hazardous waste to the established temporary staging areas.

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